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Radhika Malpani

Our Board

Radhika Malpani

Radhika Malpani has started and been responsible for several critical products at Google. Starting with leading the Ads team in 2000, Radhika went on to work on core websearch, and then founded Google Images, growing it to over 1B queries/day. She then went on to build Google Travel Search to help users with their travel planning needs. An alumnus of UC, Berkeley, Radhika worked at Google since 2000 and before that at some leading technology firms like Hewlett Packard Labs and Siemens.

Radhika has always been interested in the application of technology for social impact, (especially in the domains of global health, education and conservation), and recently left Google to focus full-time on helping mission-oriented startups scale. She sits on the boards of Nexleaf Analytics,  Simprints, and Educate!. In addition to advising startup founders including Dost, TalkingPoints, Skyven Technologies, Frances Solar, Radhika is a technical advisor to  CIFF(Children’s Investment Foundation Fund), a mentor with the Unreasonable Group, and works closely with GAVI and Google.org