Predator Free NZ

Tag: Predator Free NZ

Auckland Island: Conservation and Restoration

New conservation efforts on Auckland Island, New Zealand aim to restore native flora and fauna. The Sub-antarctic Islands of New Zealand have historically been home to a wide array of native seabirds and other wildlife that thrive off of the nutrient-rich waters. Auckland Island (46,000 Ha) is the fifth largest island in New Zealand. One of the leading threats to the species found here is introduction […]

Written by on February 15, 2019

New Zealand Kea Nesting Success

Things are looking up for Endangered Kea populations in New Zealand where nesting success has suffered due to invasive predators, but conservation efforts are helping. The Kea is a magnificently beautiful and vibrantly colored bird native to New Zealand. It is incredibly vulnerable to predation by several species including invasive stoats, mice, and rats. As […]

Written by on February 15, 2019