New Zealand

Tag: New Zealand

New Zealand Geographic Features Island Conservation’s Work Restoring Late Island, Tonga 

Island Conservation’s Late Island project is the feature of a new article in New Zealand Geographic.   The article highlights the expertise of our many collaborators—especially the New Zealanders who first developed the techniques that make the removal of invasive species possible. Journalist Kate Evans describes the people, institutions, and know-how that come together to make […]

Written by on September 6, 2023

Dawn of New Era: Kingdom of Tonga Undertakes Historic Conservation Milestone 

With support from the Kingdom of Tonga’s Environment Department, Late Island has now become the largest island in the Pacific to have been cleared of invasive species. This is a historic landmark: Tonga is now leading the Pacific region in efforts to scale up invasive species management and rewilding projects. Late Island’s rich, biodiverse ecosystem is now ready for the reintroduction of native species.

Written by on August 29, 2023

The Last Frontier: Protecting the High Seas

A new study tracking migratory seabirds on the high seas highlights threats to New Zealand’s seabird conservation efforts.  Located in areas beyond national jurisdiction, the high seas are fair game for the fishing industry, which can make protecting vulnerable species such as New Zealand’s endangered seabirds, extremely difficult. A recent study published in international journal […]

Written by on May 27, 2021

Piecing Together Island and Ocean Health

New study provides further evidence supporting the connection between predator-free islands and richer sea life. Researchers publish the latest evidence connecting terrestrial and ocean health in a study of four islands in the Mercury Archipelago off the Coromandel. The study analyzes the effects of seabird guano on terrestrial and marine health. Seabird populations are unique, […]

Written by on April 1, 2021

Mapping the Flight Path of Antipodean Albatross

Researchers are using GPS trackers to map where Antipodean Albatross flight paths overlap with longline fishing vessels to save the species. Albatross are known for their large wingspans and dynamic soaring, which allows them to coast over the ocean’s surface. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature recognizes 22 species of Albatross, which are […]

Written by on March 23, 2020

Restoring New Zealand’s Biodiversity

It only took humans a few hundred years to decimate New Zealand’s biodiversity, but conservation initiatives could save the remaining species. New Zealand’s native wildlife and biodiversity serve as a prime example of the impacts humans have had on island ecosystems around the world. The island nation took millions of years to evolve its unique […]

Written by on March 18, 2020

Climate Change Threatens New Zealand Wildlife

New Zealand’s already threatened wildlife is forced to adapt to a changing climate to survive. New Zealand has been a safe-haven for its unique species, a home without mammalian predators. That is until the 1880’s when ships on the brought predators that were well suited for a variety of habitats. Since their introductions invasive predators […]

Written by on February 6, 2020

Genetic Bottleneck Threatens New Zealand’s Iconic Little Spotted Kiwi

The Little Spotted Kiwi was once the most abundant species of kiwi in New Zealand, but the introduction of invasive species and anthropological activities have changed their fate forever. Kiwi’s are flightless, nocturnal birds native to New Zealand. The Little Spotted Kiwi (Apteryx owenii) was once the most common of the five kiwi species. Due to the introduction of invasive species, habitat […]

Written by on November 20, 2019

Biosecurity—Protecting the Bay of Islands

Ongoing biosecurity measures have protected the Bay of Islands for 10 years and ensured that no invasive species establish a population which would threaten native wildlife. New Zealand is no stranger to the threat invasive species pose to island wildlife. In fact, New Zealand’s Predator Free 2050 initiative is aimed at preventing extinction through the […]

Written by on July 19, 2019

Research on Nesting Fantails Informs Conservation of Rare Birds

In New Zealand, conservationists are studying the nesting behavior of Fantails in hopes it will glean insights into the behavior of rare, Endangered birds. Many bird species are on the brink of extinction due to the presence of invasive rats. So, it should come as no surprise that within conservation, rare birds are a high priority. […]

Written by on June 11, 2019