Midway Atoll

Tag: Midway Atoll

Walking Among Seabirds and Historic Buildings on Midway Atoll

Island Conservation project manager, José Luis Herrera, shares his experience on Midway Atoll as he maps out the infrastructure and watches in amazement of all the seabirds that rely on the atoll. During certain times of the year, airplanes traveling from Honolulu to Midway have to land at night to avoid any interference with native […]

Written by on September 30, 2019

Predatory Mice Threaten Midway’s Wildlife

Control efforts on Midway Atoll have helped protect native wildlife from invasive predatory mice, but removing the mice is the only way save the world’s largest Laysan Albatross colony. This was something we had never expected to occur. Mice preying on adult albatrosses simply hasn’t been recorded here.” – US Fish and Wildlife Service From […]

Written by on September 17, 2019

Birds on Midway Atoll Each Have a “Personality”

The birds of Midway Atoll are defined by their quirky characteristics. Each species has its own unique and fascinating traits. One incredible thing about Midway, when compared to other islands I’ve visited, is the sheer number of birds present. Since there are birds everywhere, it is impossible not to interact with them and begin to […]

Written by on September 17, 2019

Restoration Recipe for Midway Atoll

Midway has experienced various eras of landscape alteration over the past century, but the atoll is now entering a phase of restoration. When one imagines the Hawaiian archipelago, images of gently swaying palms, verdant vegetation, cool breezes, and ocean waves come to mind. But, going up the chain of islands, this green scene begins to […]

Written by on September 3, 2019

Keeping a Pulse on Midway’s Albatross Population

As sentinels of the sea, Midway’s Albatross provide unique insight into the health and function of our marine ecosystems. Oceans cover more than 70% of the world’s surface area and are key to providing food for over 1 billion people and supporting the livelihoods of an additional 200 million people. Yet, our knowledge and understanding […]

Written by on August 27, 2019

Meet the Mōlī: Laysan Albatross

Midway’s beloved birds, Laysan Albatross, are the signature wildlife of Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge. One of the wonders of the wide Pacific Ocean is that of a Laysan Albatross / Mōlī gliding across the waves and wind, seemingly without effort. They are made for a life at sea—and indeed, they spend the majority of […]

Written by on August 20, 2019

Coral Reef Biodiversity of Midway Atoll

Midway Atoll is home to more than 3 million birds but the marine biodiversity of the surrounding coral reefs is equally amazing. Beyond the blanket of several million birds atop three small islands lies an abundant and diverse marine world. Midway’s atoll is situated within a large, elliptical barrier reef measuring about 5 miles in […]

Written by on August 13, 2019

Help Save Midway’s Albatross!

Invasive, carnivorous mice are threatening Midway’s albatross, but you can help! Midway Atoll is located almost perfectly in between North America and Asia, but this small spot on a map is home to the world’s largest Laysan Albatross colony. Sadly, in 2015, volunteers at Midway made a gruesome discovery—invasive, predatory mice were attacking adult and […]

Written by on August 6, 2019

Midway’s Native Wildlife and the Threat Posed by Invasive Mice

Midway’s native plant and animal diversity have thrived for decades even in the face of human impacts, but now invasive mice are threatening the delicate balance. Mention of Midway Atoll brings to mind myriads of birds. But, there’s more to Midway. Known as Pihemanu (“loud din of birds” in Hawaiian), Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge […]

Written by on August 6, 2019

Exploring the History of Midway Atoll

Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge is biologically, culturally, and historically significant but the atoll is in need of restoration. Since the start of gristly invasive mouse attacks on albatross out on Midway Atoll, this small set of islands—tucked at the far end of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands—has entered the spotlight again. Many connote Midway with […]

Written by on August 6, 2019