Juan Fernandez Archipelago

Tag: Juan Fernandez Archipelago

Island Journey: The Global Impact of Island Restoration

Island Conservation’s David Will and Coral Wolf share their experiences in the field and highlight the outsized impact that island restoration can have on global biodiversity. While travel restrictions have limited the journeys we as individuals can go on this year, Island Conservation set out to create an Island Journey series where our staff members […]

Written by on July 22, 2020

The Plight of the Pink-footed Shearwater

The community of Robinson Crusoe Island pushes forward with the world’s first removal of invasive coati to save the beloved Pink-footed Shearwater and their island home. Have you ever heard of a coati? What about a Pink-footed Shearwater? Robinson Crusoe Island, 400 miles from the coast of Chile, is one of only three islands in […]

Written by on June 24, 2020

Island Conservation Joins Unboxals’ Earth Day Celebration

In celebration of 50 years of Earth Day, Unboxals features 50 incredible species including the Pinzon Giant Tortoise and the Juan Fernandez Firecrown. Unboxals creates powerful content to connects kids and families to nature, conservation, and animals. Their goal is to un-box a life-long passion for wildlife and create the next generation of Animal Champions. […]

Written by on April 22, 2020

Unraveling The Mysterious Lives of Oceanic Seabirds in the Remote Pacific

Researchers from the University of Cambridge, the University of Liverpool, Island Conservation and Oikonos are using GPS to track and uncover the movements of the Stejneger’s and Juan Fernandez Petrels. The Juan Fernández Islands are located in the southwest Pacific Ocean, almost 500 miles west of Chile. For centuries they were thought to be the […]

Written by on December 9, 2019

169 Islands that Offer Hope for Stemming the Extinction Crisis

Nearly 10% of island extinctions can be prevented through the eradication of invasive mammals on 169 islands, global collaboration shows. Embargoed Until March 27, 2019, 2 PM EST/11 AM PST Contact: Sally Esposito, Island Conservation, sally.esposito@islandconservation.org, +1 (706) 969-2783Resources:Interviews, Infographic, Photography (Floreana Island, Gough Island, Selkirk Island, Lehua Island, Cabritos Island), B-roll, 169 Islands List […]

Written by on March 26, 2019

Robinson Crusoe: Conservation and Protection

Invasive species, pollution, and over-fishing threaten Robinson Crusoe Island but the local community, the Chilean government, and international NGOs are working tirelessly to conserve and protect it. Robinson Crusoe is known to many as a castaway and the protagonist of the beloved fiction story of the same name. Robinson Crusoe Island, which is named for […]

Written by on March 1, 2019

Interview with Piqui and Lobi, the Guardians of Juan Fernández

Piqui and Lobi are working with the community of the Juan Fernández Archipelago to help protect native species like themselves by teaching people about responsible pet ownership and the importance of sustainable development. Piqui, why don’t you introduce yourself? Piqui: I am a Juan Fernández Firecrown, a Critically Endangered hummingbird found only on the island […]

Written by on May 29, 2018

IC Project Facilitator Paulina Stowhas Receives Forward Under 40 Award

The University of Wisconsin awards alumna and IC Project Facilitator Paulina Stowhas the Forward Under 40 Award for her dedication to conservation. Paulina Stowhas has always admired diversity — in nature, in culture, and in people. Stowhas, a Chilean veterinarian and expert on human-wildlife conflicts, has recently followed her passion for biodiversity to the Juan […]

Written by on March 5, 2018

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