Feral Pigs

Tag: Feral Pigs

Emerging Research: Impact of Invasive Species by the Numbers

New research sheds light on the invasive species that pose the greatest threat to Australia’s native wildlife. Invasive species often monopolize the media in Australia and for good reason—Australia has one of the highest rates of extinction, largely due to invasive species. Some of the greatest threats wildlife today are introduced, invasive European rabbits, red […]

Written by on March 22, 2019

I’iwi at Risk: A Scarlet Bird’s Dangerous Migration

As environmental impacts unfold in Hawaii, I’iwis’ seasonal migrations turn deadly. The scarlet I’iwi is hard to miss, standing out vibrantly against the deep green backdrop of Hawaii’s foliage. The native bird, a Hawaiian honeycreeper, fits gracefully into its natural habitat. Its curved bill, for example, matches the shape of the native ‘Opelu flower, which makes […]

Written by on June 13, 2017