Black-footed Albatross

Tag: Black-footed Albatross

Rare Endangered Albatross Takes Flight from Midway Atoll

Jonathan Plissner recently witnessed a rare event—the fledging of a Short-tailed Albatross on Midway Atoll. In celebration of the first World Albatross Day, he shares his thoughts on this event and hopes for the future. Short-tailed Albatross are one of the rarest and most endangered seabirds in the Pacific. Most of the global population breeds […]

Written by on June 19, 2020

Celebrating World Albatross Day

The Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels launches World Albatross Day on June 19th, 2020. Island Conservation’s mission is to prevent extinctions by removing invasive species from islands. We work with local communities, government management agencies and conservation organizations on islands with the greatest potential for preventing the extinction of globally threatened species. We develop comprehensive […]

Written by on January 17, 2020

Return of the Albatross to Midway Atoll

The start of fall means Black-footed and Laysan Albatross are beginning to return to Midway for yet another breeding season. After a long hot summer, seemingly endless days of the sun beating down upon Midway’s islands, fall feels right around the corner. For just a brief period, Midway is largely void of nearly all seabirds. […]

Written by on October 10, 2019

Birds on Midway Atoll Each Have a “Personality”

The birds of Midway Atoll are defined by their quirky characteristics. Each species has its own unique and fascinating traits. One incredible thing about Midway, when compared to other islands I’ve visited, is the sheer number of birds present. Since there are birds everywhere, it is impossible not to interact with them and begin to […]

Written by on September 17, 2019

Keeping a Pulse on Midway’s Albatross Population

As sentinels of the sea, Midway’s Albatross provide unique insight into the health and function of our marine ecosystems. Oceans cover more than 70% of the world’s surface area and are key to providing food for over 1 billion people and supporting the livelihoods of an additional 200 million people. Yet, our knowledge and understanding […]

Written by on August 27, 2019

Protecting Our World’s Oldest Wild Bird

The US Fish and Wildlife Service, Island Conservation, and our partners join together to restore Midway Atoll and protect seabirds including Wisdom and her hatchling. Midway Atoll is located almost perfectly in between North America and Asia, but this small spot on a map is home to seabird colonies that need our help. The presence […]

Written by on February 21, 2019

Protecting Midway’s Seabirds

The US Fish and Wildlife Service has released the final Environmental Assessment for the Midway Seabird Protection Project. Warning: Graphic photographs. Viewer Discretion is Advised. In 2015, volunteers at Midway Atoll made a gruesome discovery. In the midst of the largest albatross colony in the world, birds were being eaten alive by mice as they […]

Written by on February 19, 2019

Draft Environmental Assessment Released for Midway Seabird Protection Project

Conservationists are hopeful for an invasive-free future for Midway Atoll as the public comment period for the draft environmental assessment opens. Mice are attacking nesting albatross on Midway Atoll – the largest albatross colony in the world and the most important and successful breeding ground for Black-footed Albatross and Laysan Albatross. In just a few […]

Written by on March 22, 2018

A Perfect Day for an Albatross

Artist and author Caren Loebel-Fried shares the experiences that inspired her children’s book “A Perfect Day for an Albatross.” By: Caren Loebel-Fried Several years ago, albatrosses soared into my life. Why? I don’t remember how or why this happened. But I can tell you, I became stricken with these mysterious, majestic seabirds. I am an […]

Written by on March 21, 2018

My Month at Midway Atoll

Kristy Lapenta, a Kupu AmeriCorps intern doing education and outreach for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Marine National Monuments of the Pacific, shares her experiences from a month spent on Midway Atoll. By: Kristy Lapenta In June 2017, I was given the amazing opportunity to travel to Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge for work. This was […]

Written by on December 18, 2017

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