Gifts of Stock

Donating Stock

Thank you very much for your interest in donating stock to support Island Conservation’s mission to prevent extinctions by removing invasive species
from islands.

To make a contribution of stock, please follow the steps below:

Stock wiring instructions

There are two potential ways to transfer:


ACATS Eligible Transfers:

ACATS Participant Name: SEI Private Trust Company (Required) ACATS Participant #: 2663 (Required)
A/C #: 491216400 (Required)
Account Name: ISLAND CONSERVATION (Required)
For Further Credit Instructions: [e.g., “wherever needed most/unrestricted”; OR “intended for___x___”]


DTC Eligible Securities (Non-ACATs):

SEI Private Trust Company
DTC Clearing #: 2663 (Required)
A/C #: 491216400 (Required)
Account Name: ISLAND CONSERVATION (Required)
For Further Credit Instructions: [e.g., “wherever needed most/unrestricted”; OR “intended for___x___”]

If a donor wants to transfer Mutual Funds or foreign currencies, these take special handling and the above instructions are not applicable.

Double Your

New donors making a contribution of $25,000-$100,000 are eligible for a 1:1 match through Island Conservation’s Clipperton Matching Fund. Existing Island Conservation donors who increase their giving by $25,000 are edible to match the amount of their increased giving up to $100,000

FEIN: 91-1839907

Contact Us

Finance Department Phone: 831-260-2179 ext. 791

Primary Finance Contact
Justin Lacy, Finance Manager;

Secondary Finance Contact
Vivian Sakovich, Staff Accountant;

Primary Philanthropy Contact
Heath Packard, Chief Philanthropy Officer;; +1-360-584-3051

Other ways to give online here: donations to Island Conservation, a US-incorporated 501(c)(3) charity, are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Tax Deductible

Your donation is tax-deductible.

Your donation is tax-deductible. Donations to Island Conservation, a 501(c)(3) charity, are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Island Conservation’s tax Identification number is: 91-1839907