Donating Stock
Thank you very much for your interest in donating stock to support Island Conservation’s mission to prevent extinctions by removing invasive species
from islands.
To make a contribution of stock, please follow the steps below:
Stock wiring instructions
There are two potential ways to transfer:
ACATS Eligible Transfers:
ACATS Participant Name: SEI Private Trust Company (Required) ACATS Participant #: 2663 (Required)
A/C #: 491216400 (Required)
Account Name: ISLAND CONSERVATION (Required)
For Further Credit Instructions: [e.g., “wherever needed most/unrestricted”; OR “intended for___x___”]
DTC Eligible Securities (Non-ACATs):
SEI Private Trust Company
DTC Clearing #: 2663 (Required)
A/C #: 491216400 (Required)
Account Name: ISLAND CONSERVATION (Required)
For Further Credit Instructions: [e.g., “wherever needed most/unrestricted”; OR “intended for___x___”]
If a donor wants to transfer Mutual Funds or foreign currencies, these take special handling and the above instructions are not applicable.
Double Your
New donors making a contribution of $25,000-$100,000 are eligible for a 1:1 match through Island Conservation’s Clipperton Matching Fund. Existing Island Conservation donors who increase their giving by $25,000 are edible to match the amount of their increased giving up to $100,000
FEIN: 91-1839907
Contact Us
Finance Department Phone: 831-260-2179 ext. 791
Primary Finance Contact
Justin Lacy, Finance Manager;
Secondary Finance Contact
Vivian Sakovich, Staff Accountant;
Primary Philanthropy Contact
Heath Packard, Chief Philanthropy Officer;; +1-360-584-3051
Other ways to give online here: donations to Island Conservation, a US-incorporated 501(c)(3) charity, are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
Tax Deductible
Your donation is tax-deductible.
Your donation is tax-deductible. Donations to Island Conservation, a 501(c)(3) charity, are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Island Conservation’s tax Identification number is: 91-1839907