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Eric VanderWerf

Our Advisory Council

Eric VanderWerf

Eric VanderWerf earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Cornell University in 1988 and Master of Science degree from the University of Florida in 1992.  In 1999, he completed a Ph.D. at the University of Hawaii, where his research focused on plumage variation and effects of habitat disturbance and diseases on population biology of the Hawaii Elepaio. From 2000-2006, he worked on a variety of conservation and ornithological projects during stints with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Hawaii Division of Forestry and Wildlife.  Eric founded Pacific Rim Conservation in 2006 with the goal of conducting on the ground conservation work focused on Pacific Island birds and ecosystems. He currently serves as the Director of Science for Pacific Rim Conservation. Eric has authored over 120 scientific papers, book chapters, and technical reports.